

Penis thickening

Penis thickening

There can be various reasons why a man is not satisfied with the thickness of his penis. These can be aesthetic reasons or sexual dissatisfaction, which often causes dwindling self-esteem and self-confidence.

Various methods can lead to a thickening of the penis.

There is a surgical procedure in which fatty tissue from other parts of the body is transplanted into the penis to increase the thickness and thus the girth. However, these procedures are associated with risks and possible complications.

Some doctors offer injections of fillers such as hyaluronic acid to temporarily increase penis size. However, this method is not permanent and can also have side effects.

PHALLOSAN forte application

Application of PHALLOSAN forte

PHALLOSAN plus+ application

Application of PHALLOSAN plus+

PHALLOSAN vertical application

Application of PHALLOSAN Vertical

Penis thickening

Penis thickening rather the natural way

With PHALLOSAN forte you can increase your penis girth in a gentle and effective way.

PHALLOSAN forte uses controlled stretching and traction to exert a constant tensile force on the penile tissue. This stretching stimulates the tissue and releases the potential for growth. The gentle stretching can create tiny micro tears. A natural process in which the body responds by repairing them and forming new tissue.

Penis thickening

In addition, blood circulation in the penis area is increased by using PHALLOSAN forte, which promotes tissue health and supports growth. The key to penis thickening lies in continuous and patient use over weeks and months, allowing the tissue to gradually thicken. And the key to satisfaction with your best piece is in PHALLOSAN forte.

Result* After 3 months* After 6 months*
Length increase at rest 3,5cm (1,38") 4,9cm (1,93")
Length increase erect 3,8cm (1,5") 4,8cm (1,89")
Increase circum­ference 2,5cm (0,98") 2,5cm (0,98")

* The results are peak values. The penis enlargement or enlargement is permanent. A longer period of use can potentially achieve even better results. In addition to the regularity and duration of use of PHALLOSAN forte, the individual facilities also play a role. Accordingly, the results vary from user to user and cannot be guaranteed.

Selected testimonials from PHALLOSAN customers

Experience counts -
All reports are listed here.
